Oh my! I am having a contest! I did not know! This contest that(I think o.o) I have started requires players to figure out riddles and puzzles and complete some rewarding and lengthy races! I'm still planning out the contests and the riddle contests are held when I have crowns(which should be quite soon). Now, I think that all of you have the potential to do this(MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ROOM FOR A NEW CHAR!): BEAT WC W/ 1 FRIEND/PARTNER TO WIN 5 CROWNS PRIZES OF YOUR CHOICE(the first 2 to do it WINS!)! I'm so excited to see people win these contests and be happy! Others being happy sure makes me happy :) So yes umm... for the date of any of the contests I do NOT know. And I highly doubt any of you will take on the WC contest(I hope you do!). And something I have been thinking about is the poor people in Japan :( I plan on donating as much as money as I can to the Red Cross Foundation(I'm pretty sure thats what it's called!). Please help Japan! PLEASE! That would be awesome if you would :) Love Japan <3
So, if you wanna participate in one of the contests comment. And could you spread the word about my blog. Just a tiny favor. I really like blogging and sharing with you all and I want some others to explore this blog too. Maybe one day(I hope), I can be as famous as Friendly, Ditto, Ravenwood Radio Team, etc. But yea, its a small favor. As small as like a little spot of Play-Doh(What?)! Bye :)
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